Applications for airport ground operations
The Prague Airport, (hereinafter LP) is the operator of the most important international airport in the Czech Republic and the second largest in Central and Eastern Europe. The mission of the Prague Airport is to provide high quality services to passengers and business partners, that are primarily aircraft operators and handling companies and operators of commercial units, especially shop operators and providers of gastronomic, accommodation and transport services. One of the most important tasks of the Prague Airport is also ensuring safety of operations. Last but not least, the company continuously develops Praha / Ruzyne Airport as a major aviation gateway to Central and Eastern Europe, whose global availability is important and crucial for the economy and business in the region. Pod značkou Prague Airport Consulting poskytuje Letiště Praha, a. s. poradenství v oblasti:
- Plánování rozvoje letišť, zvyšování kapacit
- Posilování provozní bezpečnosti, zavádění Safety Management System (SMS)
- Zefektivňování provozu novými postupy (CDM, CDA aj.)
- Vývoj a testování nových letištních technologií ve spolupráci s průmyslovými partnery (TE-VOGS, WHEELTUG)
- Výcvik personálu v oblasti provozu, plánování rozvoje, safety, security