Galileo High Accuracy Service (HAS): Operational for half of a year

The completely unique Galileo High Accuracy Service (HAS) has already completed its first six months of full operation, during which users have been able to receive and benefit globally from entirely free Galileo and GPS corrections that refine positional information down to a few decimetres (<2.5 dm in the horizontal plane).

You can now read how the service performed in the first quarter of this year in the first published HAS Performance Report. The report compares the actual performance with the declared performance and shows that the targets set out in the Galileo HAS SDD have been met.

Further demonstration of the current status and expected evolution of the service took place during the Galileo HAS Days workshop, organized at the end of June at the European GNSS service centre (GSC). Representatives of EUSPA presented market opportunities and funding possibilities for activities related to the deployment of the service, while stakeholders, application developers, and other experts shared their technical knowledge and experience on the implementation and use of HAS. The feedback given by the key pioneers of the service is crucial for meeting user requirements and further development of the service. Presentations from the workshop are available here. The service was launched by EUSPA in collaboration with the GSC after a thorough development process right on schedule earlier this year. Since then, the new service has offered plenty of opportunities for the development of new technologies and innovations that will find applications in many different fields such as agriculture, autonomous vehicles, or drones. GCE is closely monitoring this EUSPA initiative and increasing the possibility of using the service and its benefits for its partners.

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