Prague Airport joins the founding members of the GCE

In April this year, Prague Airport a.s., the operator of the largest international airport in the Czech Republic, became a founding member of the GCE association. This milestone crowned many years of cooperation between the two parties in the field of GNSS interference research, surveillance technologies and specific operational procedures used in aviation.

One of the first collaborating activity was the development of GNSS approach and landing procedures for helicopters. A web-based information portal was also created to promote the PinS procedures. Another project dealt with the research of an innovative aviation surveillance technology, A-SMGCS, which combines the principles of GNSS and multilateration systems. The cooperation between the two organisations has subsequently grown significantly in addressing the topic of protection of critical national infrastructure against GNSS RFI. This included the installation of OHB´s, GMV NSL´s and SINTEF´s GNSS RFI detectors into the airport perimeter. As a result of these successful projects, the Prague Airport decided to apply for full membership of the GCE. The vote on accession took place in March this year when the decision was unanimously approved by all four existing members. We highly appreciate Prague Airport interest in the GNSS domain and realising the importance of protecting its infrastructure.

We warmly welcome the new member on-board and looking forward to developing further cooperation!

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